Projects By Category: Socioeconomics or Ecosystem Services

Landscape Conservation Cooperatives use a collaborative approach to identify landscape-scale conservation solutions. LCCs work across jurisdictional and political boundaries to work with partners to: meet unfilled conservation needs, develop decision support tools, share data and knowledge and facilitate and foster partnerships.

As part of a shared science strategy, LCCs coordinate closely with the National Climate Change and Wildlife Center and the eight regional Climate Science Centers as well as Migratory Bird Joint Ventures and National Fish Habitat Partnerships across North America.

  • Appalachian

Assessing Future Energy Development across the Appalachian LCC used models that combined data on energy development trends and identified where these may intersect with important natural resource and ecosystem services to give a more comprehensive picture of what potential energy development coul

  • Caribbean

Over the last 75 years, Puerto Rico transformed from an agricultural economy to an
industrialized economy and now faces economic stagnation. These transitions have direct
implications for Puerto Rico’s environment, water resources, and the health of its population.

  • Aleutian and Bering Sea Islands
  • Arctic
  • Western Alaska

In Alaska, changes in snow, ice, and weather, have resulted in risks to human lives, infrastructure damage, threats to valuable natural resources, and disruption of hunting, fishing, and livelihoods.

  • Eastern Tallgrass Prairie and Big Rivers
  • Upper Midwest and Great Lakes

The emerging multi-LCC Ecological Places in Cities Network integrates the ecological and urban communities to guide and promote conservation practices, such as those across the monarch flyway.

  • North Pacific

The North Pacific LCC co-sponsored the April 2012 science symposium - Coastal Temperate Rainforests: Integrating Communities, Climate Science, and Resource Management.

  • North Pacific

Building on currently available resources and on the prior climate adaptation experiences of our team,
which includes tribal staff and a cultural anthropologist who is also an enrolled member of the

  • North Pacific

The Humboldt Bay-Eel River region may experience the highest rate of relative sea level rise increase along the West Coast. The Project will engage stakeholders to discuss community and science needs for planning and implementing adaptation measures to sea level rise.

  • North Pacific

The Humboldt Bay-Eel River region may experience the highest rate of relative sea level rise increase along the West Coast. The Project will engage stakeholders to discuss community and science needs for planning and implementing adaptation measures to sea level rise.

  • Great Northern

The Heart of the Rockies Initiative (HOTR), on behalf of its High Divide Collaborative partners, seeks support to identify and evaluate future landscape configurations that address the needs of local communities while conserving the High Divides unique landscape resources.

  • Great Northern

The White House Council for Environmental Quality has identified two national watersheds to pilot large-scale drought resiliency implementation.

  • North Atlantic

With support from the North Atlantic LCC and Hurricane Sandy Disaster Mitigation funds the North Atlantic Aquatic Connectivity Collaborative ( has developed a regional crossing assessment protocol and database, scoring systems

  • Plains and Prairie Potholes

     Economic, market-based grassland conservation approaches are needed for expired Conservation Reserve Program (CRP) lands.

  • Upper Midwest and Great Lakes

Land managers and resource and conservation professionals across political and organizational boundaries (e.g. state and federal agencies, non-governmental organizations, private landowners) often lack a common framework for planning and coordinated decision-making on a regional scale.

  • Eastern Tallgrass Prairie and Big Rivers
  • Upper Midwest and Great Lakes

In June 2015, the Eastern Tallgrass Prairie and Big Rivers Landscape Conservation Cooperative (LCC) of the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service (USFWS) granted $80,000 to the City of St.

  • Eastern Tallgrass Prairie and Big Rivers
  • Upper Midwest and Great Lakes

Monarch butterfly and other pollinators are in trouble. Monarch butterfly habitat— including milkweed host plants and nectar food sources—has declined drastically throughout most of the United States.

  • Western Alaska

This project evaluates the connections between climate change impacts and health in Bristol Bay communities. Climate change impacts were assessed through the lens of public health, with an eye towards the potential effects on disease, injury, food and water security, and mental health.

  • Plains and Prairie Potholes

     Habitat loss is one of the key factors contributing to loss of wildlife, but ultimately it comes down to decisions made at he private landowner.  Economin pressures from comodity prices probably heavily wieght in decisions.

  • North Pacific

The project incorporates Heiltsuk Traditional Knowledge and Values into ecosystem-based management planning within Strategic Landscape Reserve Design (SLRD) Landscape Units. The SLRD process seeks to identify areas to set aside from logging (harvesting) over short and long term timeframes.

  • North Pacific

This project obtained information regarding past catastrophic events, such as tsunamis, and TEK through oral history interviews with Tolowa elders regarding the effects of climate change and tsunamis on traditional smelt fishing camps; generated a GIS model of coastal inundation due to sea level

  • North Pacific

This project builds upon existing data and collaborations to incorporate climate change and economic considerations into a decision support framework for prioritizing restoration of passage.

  • Great Northern

The purpose of the proposed project is to increase the cross cultural capacity of indigenous and non-indigenous groups to collaborate on climate adaptation in the Crown of the Continent (CoC) a sub-region of the GNLCC area.

  • Great Northern

This project will integrate the shared priorities developed by the Arid Lands Initiative (ALI) in the Columbia Plateau ecoregion into implementation mechanisms of existing and new ALI partners.

  • North Atlantic

This project highlights the potential for LCCs to facilitate collaboration among conservation practitioners and research scientists to plan for the future.

  • Eastern Tallgrass Prairie and Big Rivers

An Iowa State University research team in collaboration with Neal Smith National Wildlife Refuge and other partners has discovered that strategically adding a little bit of prairie back onto the agricultural landscape can result in many benefits – for water and soil quality, habitat for wildlife

  • Eastern Tallgrass Prairie and Big Rivers

The Midwestern Region is dominated by intensive agricultural production, primarily corn and soybeans. Economic pressures result in optimizing acreage planted and may place pressure on producers to resign not enroll in conservation programs.

  • Desert

Overgrazing and fire suppression have led to a loss of deep soils and vegetative cover in the 420,000 acre Alamosa Creek watershed in southwestern New Mexico.

  • Eastern Tallgrass Prairie and Big Rivers

The purpose of this workshop is to identify important hydro- and ecological relationships that will affect the ability of floodplain managers to optimize their approaches to providing: 1) fish habitat; 2) wildlife habitat; 3) nutrient and sediment processing; and 4) flood regulation.

  • Eastern Tallgrass Prairie and Big Rivers

Despite growing interest in ecosystem services and multi-functional landscapes, there are still relatively few examples of projects that assess the delivery of multiple goods and services and evaluate how multi-objective conservation strategies can improve outcomes relative to single-objective or

  • Eastern Tallgrass Prairie and Big Rivers

Ecosystem services provided by floodplains include removal of nitrogen, phosphorus, and sediments, and sequestration of carbon. Effectiveness of floodplains in providing these services is dependent on the extent and location of connection between floodplain and river.

  • Caribbean

Project Objectives
In collaboration with the staff, members and partners of the Caribbean
Landscape Conservation Cooperative (CLCC), SustainaMetrix conducted
a process to assemble the foundation of an ecosystem governance

  • Desert

The Navajo Nation covers over 70,000 km2 in the Four Corners area of Utah, Arizona and New Mexico.

  • Desert

Rainwater Harvesting and Stormwater Research is a priority research area identified by the Arizona Governor's Blue Ribbon Panel on Water Sustainability, which recommended that universities take the lead to identify regulatory barriers, cost and benefits, water quality issues and avenues for incre

  • Arctic

The ShoreZone in the Classroom Curriculum Implementation project built upon the ShoreZone in the Classroom Pilot Networking Trip.

  • Aleutian and Bering Sea Islands

The Aleutian archipelago is an area that is rich in cultural history. Information about cultural sites and artifacts exists in a variety of formats including peer-reviewed publications, agency reports, and other records.